Foto de Masai Vicus España
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I always saw myself drawing or painting. I don\'t remember when I started, but I do remember my mom saying to me: don\'t press the pencil that much, better do it layer over layer.

I started my Textile Printing Degree at Barcelona\'s Massana School of Arts, what I really would have liked was to enroll in painting, but it was very clear to me that those four or five years at school would have to be an investment for my...

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
47.24 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
21.26 x 25.20 in
21.26 x 25.20 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
47.24 x 39.37 in
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Foto de Masai Vicus España

I always saw myself drawing or painting. I don\'t remember when I started, but I do remember my mom saying to me: don\'t press the pencil that much, better do it layer over layer.

I started my Textile Printing Degree at Barcelona\'s Massana School of Arts, what I really would have liked was to enroll in painting, but it was very clear to me that those four or five years at school would have to be an investment for my future (at that time, textile was booming) and I was almost certain that I would not be able to earn a living as a painter. I could not take that risk.

In the textile world, it went very well indeed.

In my spare time, I never stopped painting, everything I made, I gave to friends and family, until present, when I have time and painting is my only occupation.

I only made two exhibitions as a teenager, and i have never made any other, I had the feeling that I was docking my friends and family at gunpoint.

Now I\'m ready to jump into this world. I know exactly what I like to paint. If I can sell the paintings, good! and if not, I\'m having a great time with these canvases, they bring me to life and at the same time I feel so fortunate to be able to do such a thrilling thing! to me, to face a blank canvas, is not comparable to anything!

At present, I prefer larger formats; through this form of expression, I can say so much more!
Siempre me veo dibujando o pintando. No tengo recuerdo de cuando empecé; solo recuerdo a mi madre a mi lado diciendo, no aprietes tanto el lápiz, mejor ir haciendo capa sobre capa.
Empecé la carrera de estampación textil en la Escuela Massana de Barcelona, aunque lo que de verdad me hubiera gustado era matricularme en pintura, pero tenia claro que aquellos cuatro o cinco años que pasaría en la escuela tenían que ser mi oficio para ganarme la vida ( en aquel momento el textil estaba en auge ) y era casi seguro que con la pintura no lo conseguiria. No podía arriesgarme.
Efectivamente , en el mundo textil me fue muy bien.
Nunca dejé de pintar en mis ratos libres , y todo lo que hacia lo regalaba a amigos y familiares, hasta ahora que dispongo de tiempo y la pintura ya es mi única ocupación.
Solo hice 2 exposiciones cuando era adolescente y dejé de hacerlas porqué tenía la sensación de que atracaba a mano armada a amigos y familiares .
Ahora estoy preparada para lanzarme al mundo,. Ahora se lo que me gusta pintar .Ahora se que si vendo será estupendo pero si no , lo estoy pasando estupendamente pintando estos lienzos , que me dan la vida y me provoca una emoción sin igual , enfrentarme al lienzo en blanco; no es comparable a nada .
Cada vez me gustan más los grandes formatos porqué cada día siento que puedo decir más cosas en esta forma de expresión.

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